Captain FPSO | Deck Handling Guidance
Captain FPSO trials
Modified deck handling guidance for "steady amber" deck motion light (MSI/WSI exceedence)
The following should be
considered when operating on an offshore installation in steady amber conditions, in order to minimise time on-deck and to maximise A/C weight:
- At touchdown, take particular care to align the aircraft with the wind.
- Both pilots remain at the controls during re-fuelling, embarking/disembarking of passengers and bags, and the loading of bags and freight. The crew can instruct the HLO to permit only one of these activities to take place at a time..
- Embarking and disembarking passengers should be swapped in small numbers.
- If necessary, refuel with passengers on board, following the normal precautions associated with this process.
- If both pilots have remained at the controls throughout the turn-round, one pilot is to leave the aircraft to confirm its security, once all activities have been completed.
Mitigation for "flashing amber"/ "flashing red" deck motion light while on deck (relative wind direction exceedence)
- If the wind speed exceeds 15kts, pilots should align the helicopter head-on to the wind, as accurately as possible (within about +/-10deg).
- Flashing amber or red warnings will occur if the wind direction relative to the helicopter exceeds a threshold. The acceptable threshold varies with wind speed to reflect the decreasing variability of the wind direction and increasing vulnerability of the helicopter as the wind speed increases. Under 15kts the system is inhibited and produces no warnings.
- Flashing amber or red warnings can be triggered either:
- at the time of touchdown due to incorrect alignment by pilot;
- during the time on-deck, due to a vessel heading change or a wind change.
- If a flashing amber or red warning occurs as a result of incorrect alignment at touchdown, pilot may elect to take-off and re-align.
- If a flashing amber warning occurs at any time after touchdown, RO to investigate cause:
- If due to vessel heading change, RO to take action to correct vessel heading and/or pilot to decide what mitigating action is required.
- If due to wind direction change, RO to advise changes in trend, and pilot to decide what mitigating action is required.
- If the relative wind direction angle continues to increase and the deck motion lights flash red, consideration should be given to perform a take-off and reposition, oriented into wind. If the lights flash red or the commander is at all concerned about the stability of the helicopter, all helideck operations should cease and preparations should be made for a safe and timely departure.
- Normal take-off procedures should be followed if a a re-orientation into wind, following landing is required. The deck motion light status (blue/amber/red) should be requested from the RO prior to take-off.
Captain FPSO HMS trial - Modified deck handling guidance - v1 Feb 2015